Getting feedback for an e-Commerce website with UpClick
Helping clients build the right product at PMF Studio
April 11, 2024
Co-creation for a B2B startup
May 17, 2024
Helping clients build the right product at PMF Studio
April 11, 2024
Co-creation for a B2B startup
May 17, 2024

Getting feedback for an e-Commerce website with UpClick

Company Information

UpClick Digital is a premier digital marketing agency based in Milwaukee that offers innovative Web and Digital Marketing services. Their mission is to help businesses stand out from the crowd by creating engaging campaigns that emotionally connect and drive meaningful results. 


The Why

Involving users/customers in the product development process offers numerous benefits. Firstly, it ensures that the final product aligns closely with users' needs and preferences, leading to higher satisfaction and adoption rates. Additionally, user involvement fosters a sense of ownership and loyalty among customers, increasing brand trust and repeat business. Moreover, gathering feedback early and consistently allows for rapid iteration and improvement, ultimately resulting in a more refined and successful product that better addresses market demands.


User Research at UpClick Digital

In a recent project, user feedback was done for one of their client's e-commerce website redesign. After implementing the initial design changes, the team selected group of users to interact with the website and provide feedback. Here's how it was done:

Selecting Participants: A diverse group of users representing different demographics, including age, gender, and technical proficiency were identified using a platform like Lightster to ensure comprehensive, quality feedback.

Using an Annotation Tool: Using a tool called MarkUp, users were able to annotate directly on the current state of the website, allowing them to highlight areas of concern, suggest improvements, and provide general comments.

Analyzing Feedback: Once the feedback period concluded, annotations were gathered and categorized, leading to the identification of recurring themes. The team then further prioritized issues based on their impact on the user experience.

Iterative Design: Armed with valuable insights from user feedback, the team then iterated on the website design, addressing identified issues and implementing suggested improvements.

Continuous Improvement: The team continued to do this on an iterative basis, periodically revisiting the website with new features or changes and soliciting user feedback to improve


The Result

The utilization of Lightster for user feedback proved highly beneficial.

Actionable Insights: We gained actionable insights into user pain points and preferences, guiding our design decisions effectively.

Improved Usability: By addressing identified issues, we significantly enhanced the website's usability, leading to a more satisfying user experience.

Client Satisfaction: The client was impressed by the tangible improvements driven by user feedback, reinforcing the value of incorporating user perspectives into the design process.

By leveraging user recruitment tools like Lightster, the team at UpClick was able to create websites that resonate with their target audience, ultimately driving better engagement and satisfaction.

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